Friday, February 11, 2011

the weight room.

I've read that men tend to lose weight faster than women because they're more likely to mix resistance training/weight lifting/whatever in with cardio than women. Plus I think they have higher metabolisms. Also it is so unfair that dudes can drop weight so easily. I mean, they can pee standing up. Isn't that enough? Honestly.

Since I've been hitting the gym with my friend B, who is a dude, I've started using a few of the resistance machines in the in-between weight room. See, at they gym I go to, it's three separate rooms, all mushed together like a shotgun house. When you first enter, it's the weight room with the dumbbells and machines that look like modern renditions of medieval torture devices, then it goes into a section of more modest gym equipment. An ab machine and some machines for arms and legs. I know I'm going against my gender and offending dudes that use these machines when I refer to them as gym equipment suited for women. I know that's wrong, but I know that I prefer these machines just because they're less intimidating than the stuff in the other weight room. After the modest weight room, the cardio machines- treadmills, ellipticals, that kind of thing.

B and I just renewed our gym membership to include the weight room. We had been trying a few of the machines in the modest weight room already, but now we're actually allowed to use them. Heh.

Yesterday, B breezed right past the modest weight room and into the main weight room. The weight room that I keep trying really hard not to describe as douchey. It's just that... and there may be a perfectly good reason for this (other than vanity)... but why are there mirrors all over that room? Is it really necessary to watch your muscles jump about as you lift dumbbells? Maybe you're supposed to be watching your poise or form or whatever. I don't know. But someone, please, make this whole thing seem less douchey to me.

I joined B in the main weight room because I'm insane. And I got stared at by every dude in there. Only because 1) I was the only girl there and beggars can't be choosers, and 2) me trying to use any of the machines is quite a comical spectacle to witness. I'm sure they all got a good kick out of it. The douchey bastards.

Only they're not really douchey bastards, because I was laughing at the ridiculousness of it all too. That, and the fact that I have zero body strength. Seriously. It's kind of pathetic. And it's important to make other people smile and laugh and whatnot.

This was my only outing to the gym this week. With the bad weather (Kentucky does not handle 4 inches of snow well) and me being so damn exhausted for part of the week, it just didn't happen. I've also eaten like hell this week. Once again, I blame the weather and me being so tired. But when I stepped on the scale yesterday, I had only gained .1 pound. And I measured the other day and have lost .5 inches off my ribcage, which just leads me to wonder how much back-fat I have/had going on back there. That's an inch off my ribcage since January 11. Which is awesome, but... damn.

Anyway. How is your February going?

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