Tuesday, February 22, 2011

girl scout cookies, bones, and instant gratification.

It's pretty awesome that I've lost an inch or so off my ribcage and, in so doing, my boobs look bigger.

Whatever, okay. I've always had self-esteem issues when it comes to that particular area. You would think that it would only be fair that, if I was chunky that I should at least have cleavage. I mean, boobs are fat and I've always had plenty of that to go around. Even in a good push-up bra, I still struggle to fill out a t-shirt.

In other times when I've lost weight, the first place for it to disappear from has been my chest. I don't know exactly what's different this time. I guess because I'm focused more on working out than eating healthy? Because I've certainly downed my fair share of Girl Scout Cookies in the past few days. But, honestly, how are you not going to eat Samoas? They're delicious... and I ordered them months ago. Long before this whole "I'm going to lose weight and be skinny and hot forever" thing. And whatever. Even I was trying to lose weight before, I still would have bought a box (or two) of those delicious little cookies covered in caramel and coconut.... why is that box in my desk at work? I could eat the rest of that box right now without any sense of regret.

I had a point to this. I wonder what it was. I'm such a horrible weight-loss blogger that I start talking about Girl Scout cookies and lose all train of thought.

Oh, right. Losing inches off my ribcage. I can actually feel the bones in my ribcage now. Like, not in a disturbing "oh, that girl really needs to eat a zebra" kind of way, but in an "oh, good to know something's holding my organs in place" kind of way. I'm also able to see my collar bone more clearly now. Nothing incredibly pronounced, but it's so neat to see. I'm writing this mostly to convince myself that I'm not heading down a dangerous slope. I don't think I am. I'm just so happy to be seeing results. I'm such a fiend for instant gratification, and to be able to see changes in my body this soon makes me so friggin' excited. I've given up on so many "diets" and exercise programs because I didn't see results quickly enough. I really wish I had been measuring myself then. I bet that would have kept me on board longer.

Seriously. If you're just starting out with a diet or exercise plan, keep a measurement log. I haven't exactly seen the pounds melt off (maybe 4 to 5 pounds in the past two months), but I've lost probably two inches off my body in that amount of time. And, yeah, that's .2 inches here and .4 inches here, but that shit adds up. And, quite frankly, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.

I realize that this would be the perfect time to update my weight and measurements but since 1) I forgot to weigh at the gym tonight and 2) I'm on my period and totally bloated, it's not going to happen. Maybe by the next post... but I wouldn't be surprised if I gained an inch or so because those Girl Scout cookies aren't going to eat themselves, you know.

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