Monday, February 14, 2011

roses are red, violets are blue, i'm at the gym on valentine's day - boo-hoo.

That's right. I hauled my carcass to the gym with B. On Valentine's Day.

This whole getting healthy thing is ridiculous.

I didn't weigh at the gym, and I'll measure tomorrow, but I know it's going to be bad news bears. See, during the weekend, I ate like hell. This is a problem I have most weekends. During the week, I can usually reign in my eating, and munch on some Subway and whatnot. Plus I'm at work for 8 hours a day and, even though people are always bringing in donuts and cake (not complaining), I still don't really snack there that much, and not as much as I do at my place on weekends.

Plus, on weekends, I tend to go out drinking at least one night. Which usually turns into eating pineapple pizza at 2 in the morning. And it's not that I'm complaining, because this is pretty much tradition and I enjoy it. But it's not just that on weekends. It's a lot of being lazy, eating chips and just zoning out in front of the TV. We'll ignore the fact that there is an elliptical machine less than two feet away from the couch. And if I'm not doing that, I'm out with friends and when everyone else is getting something delicious and greasy, you honestly think I'm going to sit there with a spinach and strawberry salad? To coin a phrase from Whitney Houston: Hell to the no.

And this is part of the reason why I've always failed at diets. When it comes to food, structure is not my thing. Also, I'm like a little kid. If I'm counting calories or points, the minute I reach the limit, I immediately want everything. Which is why I failed at Weight Watchers a few years back. I know some people can count calories and points and it works for them and that's wonderful. But it's not for me. I'm much better off with just attempting to watch what I eat. I may not always do the best, but I definitely don't get that panicky feeling of "holy shit, I can't eat anything else today".

What about you? How do you handle weekends? Or do you behave and not down Oreos and vodka?

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