Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starting Stats... sort of.

Just got in from a gym visit with B. Today has been my second time on a bicycle-type machine and it completely kills my abs. I also used an ab machine, and that has me sore. Oh, and I'm on my period so I also have some cramps going on in that particular area too.

So pretty much from my chest down to my thighs is not a particular happy place right now.

Anyway. My starting stats. But only sort of. Since this is a girly time of the month for me, I'm using my measurements I took January 11.

Left arm: 12.5
Bust: 39
Ribcage: 37.5
Waist (at belly button): 38.5
Hips: 42.5
Left leg: 22.1

Weight: 185.

I would like to get down between 155-160. According to one of those height/weight charts, a large framed 5'6 girl such as myself should weigh between 140-159. Even though anything above 154 is considered "overweight" on the BMI chart. But that doesn't take in to consideration the fact that my wrist is the size of a normal person's ankle. So, screw you BMI.

I wanted to give more information about my lifestyle and weight and all of that.

2003. This was taken the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. And I know the quality of this picture sucks, but I have a limited number of pictures from high school here with me. I'm probably around 175-ish here. I done the Atkin's Diet my senior year of high school and started college out weighing around 160. At which point I stopped watching my carb intake.

I started college and the Freshman 15 hit. Like three times.

But God bless the Marilyn Monroe dress I wore Halloween 2005 (my sophomore year). I feel like it hid problem areas well. And that wig is horrible, I know. I upgraded the wig the next year when I recycled that costume.

I don't think that I have to tell you that my diet in college was pretty much potato chips, pizza, and liquor once my friends started turning 21.

Summer 2007. First off, that shirt was a horrible choice. Also, it took three tries to get all my arm into this photo... I had to use the Snipping Tool on my computer to get this image since Facebook is being a bitch and not letting me save pictures to my computer... even though they're my pictures. Whatever. Weight gain getting serious here.

2009. Same ol', same ol'. And yes, I kind of really love Harry Potter.

And this is the most recent full-body picture I have, from September 2010. I got a total muffin-top going. And that shirt is a xx-large. Not cool. Not at all.

So, there's my starting stats and a nice timeline of my face getting pudgier and pudgier. Never again will I go through my Facebook photos in chronological order again. Man, that was depressing.

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